
MTH401 - Differential Equations

Question(s) similar to the following:

Write a C++ program that contains a class "myClasshaving two data members of type int.
The class must have
  1. · A default constructor which must initialize all the data members to their meaningful values.
  2. · A destructor with no implementation.
  3. · Setter member functions to set all data members of class
  4. · Getter member functions to get all data members of class
In main function of the program
  1. Prompt the user to enter the number of objects to be created.
  2. Dynamically allocate memory to objects according to the size entered by user.
  3. De-allocate memory that was allocated to objects

Question 1: Write a C++ program that contains a class "myClasshaving two data members of type int.
The class must have
  1. · A default constructor which must initialize all the data members to their meaningful values.
  2. · A destructor with no implementation.
  3. · Setter member functions to set all data members of class
  4. · Getter member functions to get all data members of class
In main function of the program
  1. Prompt the user to enter the number of objects to be created.
  2. Dynamically allocate memory to objects according to the size entered by user.
  3. De-allocate memory that was allocated to objects

Answer: Suggest Edit

Provide solution with reference to earn 1000 credits

Similar Questions:

Question 2: Write a C++ program that contains a class "myClasshaving two data members of type int.
The class must have
  1. · A default constructor which must initialize all the data members to their meaningful values.
  2. · A destructor with no implementation.
  3. · Setter member functions to set all data members of class
  4. · Getter member functions to get all data members of class
In main function of the program
  1. Prompt the user to enter the number of objects to be created.
  2. Dynamically allocate memory to objects according to the size entered by user.
  3. De-allocate memory that was allocated to objects

Answer: Suggest Edit

Provide solution with reference to earn 1000 credits
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