
MTH302 - Business Mathematics & Statistics

Question(s) similar to the following:

Discuss Data Mining with an example.

Question 1: Discuss Data Mining with an example.

Answer: Suggest Edit

Data Mining

Data mining is also known as Knowledge-Discovery in Databases (KDD). Put simply it is the processing of the data warehouse. It is a process of automatically searching large volumes of data for patterns. The purpose is to uncover patterns and relationships contained within the business activity and history and predict future behavior. Data mining has become an important part of customer relationship management (CRM).

Example of Data Mining

Consider a retail sales department. Data mining system may infer from routine transactions that customers take interests in buying trousers of a particular kind in a particular season. Hence, it can make a correlation between the customer and his buying habits by using the frequency of his/her purchases. The marketing department will lo at this information and may forecast a possible clientele for matching shirts. The sales department may start a departmental campaign to sell the shirts to buyers of trousers through direct mail, electronic or otherwise. In this case, the data mining system generated predictions or estimates about the customer that was previously unknown to the company.

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Question 2: Discuss Data Mining with an example.

Answer: Suggest Edit

Data Mining

Data mining is also known as Knowledge-Discovery in Databases (KDD). Put simply it is the processing of the data warehouse. It is a process of automatically searching large volumes of data for patterns. The purpose is to uncover patterns and relationships contained within the business activity and history and predict future behavior. Data mining has become an important part of customer relationship management (CRM).

Example of Data Mining

Consider a retail sales department. Data mining system may infer from routine transactions that customers take interests in buying trousers of a particular kind in a particular season. Hence, it can make a correlation between the customer and his buying habits by using the frequency of his/her purchases. The marketing department will lo at this information and may forecast a possible clientele for matching shirts. The sales department may start a departmental campaign to sell the shirts to buyers of trousers through direct mail, electronic or otherwise. In this case, the data mining system generated predictions or estimates about the customer that was previously unknown to the company.

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