
MKT630 - International Marketing

Question(s) similar to the following:

Define basic goals of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Question 1: Define basic goals of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Answer: Suggest Edit

CIM has three basic goals
  • Simplification of all manufacturing technologies and techniques
  • Automation of as many of the manufacturing processes as possible by integrationof many information technologies like
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems - a form of flexible automation in whichseveral machine tools are linked together by a material-handling system controlled by a central computer. It is distinguished from an automated productionline by its ability to process more than one product style simultaneously.

    Computer aided Engineering (CAE) -- the application of computer software inengineering to analyze the robustness and performance of components, assemblies, products and manufacturing tools.

    Just in time (JIT) - A Japanese idea that inventory is manufactured (or acquired)only as the need for it arises or in time to be sold (or used). A major goal is to cutdown on inventory investment.

      3. Integration and coordination of all the manufacturing aspects through computerhardware and software

    Similar Questions:

    Question 2: Define basic goals of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

    Answer: Suggest Edit

    CIM has three basic goals
  • Simplification of all manufacturing technologies and techniques
  • Automation of as many of the manufacturing processes as possible by integrationof many information technologies like
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems - a form of flexible automation in whichseveral machine tools are linked together by a material-handling system controlled by a central computer. It is distinguished from an automated productionline by its ability to process more than one product style simultaneously.

    Computer aided Engineering (CAE) -- the application of computer software inengineering to analyze the robustness and performance of components, assemblies, products and manufacturing tools.

    Just in time (JIT) - A Japanese idea that inventory is manufactured (or acquired)only as the need for it arises or in time to be sold (or used). A major goal is to cutdown on inventory investment.

      3. Integration and coordination of all the manufacturing aspects through computerhardware and software
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