
MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration

Question(s) similar to the following:

Draw attention to Junagarh issue.

Question 1: Draw attention to Junagarh issue.

Answer: Suggest Edit

It was a small state with access to sea having about 7 lakh population and 3377 mile area. The ruler was Muslim while the majority of its population was Hindu. The ruler decided to accede to Pakistan and Pakistanalso accepted the accession. In November 1947, the Indian troops entered the state and took its control. The referendum favoured India.

Similar Questions:

Question 2: Draw attention to Junagarh issue.

Answer: Suggest Edit

It was a small state with access to sea having about 7 lakh population and 3377 mile area. The ruler was Muslim while the majority of its population was Hindu. The ruler decided to accede to Pakistan and Pakistanalso accepted the accession. In November 1947, the Indian troops entered the state and took its control. The referendum favoured India.

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