
HRM627 - Human Resource Development

Question(s) similar to the following:

Rephrase the following letter body:
"Will you ship us some time, anytime during the month of October would be fine, or even November if you are rushed (November would suit us just as well, in fact a little bit better) 300 of the regular Dell Computers. Thank you in advance for sending these along in parcel post, and not in express, as express is too expensive."

Question 1: Rephrase the following letter body:
"Will you ship us some time, anytime during the month of October would be fine, or even November if you are rushed (November would suit us just as well, in fact a little bit better) 300 of the regular Dell Computers. Thank you in advance for sending these along in parcel post, and not in express, as express is too expensive."

Answer: Suggest Edit

"Please ship parcel post, 300 Dell computers before the end of November."

Similar Questions:

Question 2: Rephrase the following letter body:
"Will you ship us some time, anytime during the month of October would be fine, or even November if you are rushed (November would suit us just as well, in fact a little bit better) 300 of the regular Dell Computers. Thank you in advance for sending these along in parcel post, and not in express, as express is too expensive."

Answer: Suggest Edit

"Please ship parcel post, 300 Dell computers before the end of November."
Past Papers of HRM627 - Human Resource Development

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