
ENG501 - History of English Language

Question(s) similar to the following:

The process which determines what place will be occupied in the given market with the ongoing products is called positioning. Explain different ways to position a product, service and idea with the help of example.

Question 1: The process which determines what place will be occupied in the given market with the ongoing products is called positioning. Explain different ways to position a product, service and idea with the help of example.

Answer: Suggest Edit

There are nine steps involved in positioning strategy:
  1. Identify the competitor
  2. The competitor is how know and perceived by the competitor
  3. visualize the strategy used by the competitor or competitors either same product or service
  4. Try to understand customer thoroughly
  5. Try and think about different positioning strategies available.
  6. Thin about the position which is vacant and not used.
  7. check and evaluate your own strength and weakness.
  8. No select the position.
  9. monitoring and evaluation of the position:

Similar Questions:

Question 2: The process which determines what place will be occupied in the given market with the ongoing products is called positioning. Explain different ways to position a product, service and idea with the help of example.

Answer: Suggest Edit

There are nine steps involved in positioning strategy:
  1. Identify the competitor
  2. The competitor is how know and perceived by the competitor
  3. visualize the strategy used by the competitor or competitors either same product or service
  4. Try to understand customer thoroughly
  5. Try and think about different positioning strategies available.
  6. Thin about the position which is vacant and not used.
  7. check and evaluate your own strength and weakness.
  8. No select the position.
  9. monitoring and evaluation of the position:
Past Papers of ENG501 - History of English Language

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