
CS614 - Data Warehousing

Question(s) similar to the following:

What are the sub categories of Artificial Intelligence. Briefly explain any two.

Question 1: What are the sub categories of Artificial Intelligence. Briefly explain any two.

Answer: Suggest Edit

Expert systems

Systems that, in some limited sense, can replace an expert


Automatic machines that perform various tasks that were previously done by humans


  1. Pilot-less combat air planes
  2. Decision Support Systems
  3. Interactive software designed to improve the decision-making capability of their users
  4. Utilize historical data, models to solve problems

Similar Questions:

Question 2: What are the sub categories of Artificial Intelligence. Briefly explain any two.

Answer: Suggest Edit

Expert systems

Systems that, in some limited sense, can replace an expert


Automatic machines that perform various tasks that were previously done by humans


  1. Pilot-less combat air planes
  2. Decision Support Systems
  3. Interactive software designed to improve the decision-making capability of their users
  4. Utilize historical data, models to solve problems
Past Papers of CS614 - Data Warehousing

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