
MKT630 - International Marketing Solved Past Papers

VU MKT630 - All Subjective Solved Past Papers 2023 - International Marketing

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Subclass JPanel

Override the paint

Component(Graphics g) method

(Page 187)

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Components of expert system

User Interface: to enable the manager to enter instructions and information into an expert system to receive information from it.

Knowledge Base


it is the database of the expert system. It contains rules to express the logic of the problem.

Inference engine


it is the database management system of the expert system. It performs reasoning by using the contents of the knowledge base.

Development engine

it is used to create an expert system.

Neural Network vs. Expert System

Expert systems seek to model a human expert's way of solving problems. They are highly specific to seeking solutions. Neural networks do not model human intelligence. They seek to put intelligence into the hardware in the form of generalized capability to learn.

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Incremental Model

The incremental model is a method of software or Information System development where the model is designed, implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished. It involves both development and maintenance. This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of prototyping.

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CIM has three basic goals
  • Simplification of all manufacturing technologies and techniques
  • Automation of as many of the manufacturing processes as possible by integrationof many information technologies like
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems - a form of flexible automation in whichseveral machine tools are linked together by a material-handling system controlled by a central computer. It is distinguished from an automated productionline by its ability to process more than one product style simultaneously.

    Computer aided Engineering (CAE) -- the application of computer software inengineering to analyze the robustness and performance of components, assemblies, products and manufacturing tools.

    Just in time (JIT) - A Japanese idea that inventory is manufactured (or acquired)only as the need for it arises or in time to be sold (or used). A major goal is to cutdown on inventory investment.

      3. Integration and coordination of all the manufacturing aspects through computerhardware and software

    MKT - Marketing Related Solved Past Papers

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