
CS605 - Software EngineeringII Solved Past Papers

VU CS605 - All Subjective Solved Past Papers 2023 - Software EngineeringII

Answer: Suggest Edit

Int x=10….No ending semicolon. *ptr=5... Declaring a pointer to constant integer. You cannot use this pointer to change the value being pointed to.

Answer: Suggest Edit

The errors are in the arguments of the member operation function and also in the body of operator member function. Correct function should be

math *operator (math *m) {
math temp;
temp = m;
temp.number= number * number;
return temp.number;
Page. No. 9/15

Answer: Suggest Edit

cout <<"Enter fifth postion ";
cin >> array[4];
cout <<"Enter Ninth postion ";
cin >> array[8];

Answer: Suggest Edit

calloc/malloc and new operator return returns a null pointer to indicate that no memory is available

CS - Computer Sciences Related Solved Past Papers

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