
BNK601 - Banking Laws & Practices

Question(s) similar to the following:

All of the following are demerits of Nationalization of banks, EXCEPT:

Question 1: All of the following are demerits of Nationalization of banks, EXCEPT:

Excessive government control leading to the decisions on non professional considerations
Equitable distribution of credit to the different sectors, industries and regions
Neglect of personalized services to the customers
Mismanagement leading to alarming size of non-performing loans portfolio

Similar Questions:

Question 2: All of the following are merits of Nationalization of banks, EXCEPT:

Availability of funds to the government for meeting its social sector targets
Equitable distribution of credit to the different sectors, industries and regions
Centrally coordinated policy frame work
Excessive government control leading to the decisions on non professional considerations

Question 3: All of the following are demerits of Nationalization of banks, EXCEPT:

Excessive government control leading to the decisions on non professional considerations
Equitable distribution of credit to the different sectors, industries and regions
Neglect of personalized services to the customers
Mismanagement leading to alarming size of non-performing loans portfolio
Quizzes of BNK601 - Banking Laws & Practices

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